Monday, October 10, 2011

Can sports help you find a man?

Statistics show there are way more women on this planet than there are men. There are approximately 40 women for every man in America. Somehow we have to figure out how to set ourselves apart from the next girl, right? What makes you so special? What are your best qualities? Why would that one guy want to ask you out instead of the girl in the cubicle beside you? The other interesting facts are men like sports way more than the average woman. Men also enjoy eating meat way more than the average woman. The majority of men say they want to date someone who enjoys the things in life that they do. Does this mean you should try and out eat him in a hot wing contest? Probably not! Does this mean not complaining about sports? Yes!  Tips: plan a party or a meet up event.Invite more guys than girls. You can have it at a local sports bar or at your home. Just so long as the guys know this was your idea. Be involved. Know who is playing in the game or know a few drivers if it is a NASCAR race. You do not have to know everything. Don't be overwhelmed. Just try it! Then there is always a follow up talk later in the week about the game or party. These things will set you apart. Maybe take some tennis lessons at a nearby tennis center. Go rock climbing or join a bowling league. Find a place around sports that you can spend at least one day a week. I will tell you the statistics on women that found Mr. Wonderful at the nail salon or in the mall and it is "0". This should tell us that we have to go where they are and be in their world to be noticed.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this article. It is helpful to know the facts. And know where you stand. I guess this means I need to be more proactive! I will have a hard time putting myself out there but, it is what needs to happen. THANKS for all the tips.
