Sunday, October 23, 2011

Moms and sports

There are many moms out there who are terrified to let their little boys play sports. Why ? What are you wanting them to do? Play video games and watch TV.  I talked to a lady yesterday, who shall remain nameless. She has an older daughter who is in middle school and plays and instrument and loves to read. That is super great! Her son is now nine years old and wants to play a sport. He has asked the parents many times. He has wanted to play football, baseball and soccer. The mom in this case just says "no". She is afraid he will get hurt. And the Dad is trying to help the mom without causing a huge fight with her.This is what I said, he could get hurt fighting with his sister. He could get hurt on the playground at school. He could get hurt doing lots of things. And it will be okay. He is a boy. He is going to fall down , get bruises, get in fights, break an arm or leg and get stitches. It is what makes them become men. Real men who will take care of women one day and raise children. They are not suppose to sit around and be non-active! They are from the beginning of time the hunters and defenders and providers. Let him play a sport! What are your thoughts?


  1. Let them play! Encourage them to play, please! Of course, there is the fear of injury, but think of all the things one would fear in life if they never tried anything? So much character is built throug playing sports as well: leadership, endurance, training, team-work, etc. Our kids are not living in a bubble so we have to teach them and allow them to live and experience life. Here in the south sports is a big part of life;)

  2. I agree, let the boys play!! They will hold it against you later on if you always keep them in a "safety" bubble.

  3. Let them play, let the girls play, it's how they learn & grow. I think that when we parent out of fear then our kids will become what we are trying to protect them from. But when we provide them a safe home base from which to grow & explore, they generally realize & internalize the values we are doing our best to instill in them. I must warn you though, it will challenge our fears incredibly, but will keep us praying & loving them in word & deed.

  4. It is not a good thing when a parent lets their own fears stand in the way of their child exploring new and exciting things, be it sports, a new country, a new job, school etc. A fearful parent will raise a fearful and anxious child. The world is full of challenges and one of the best gifts a parent can give a child is a sense of adventure. We should not let our fears stop our children's growth.

    To the mama who is afraid to let her boy play - you are teaching your child that the world is a scary place. Life is all about living;sometimes you get hurt. If you hold your son back from exploring sports and any other activity that he wants to try, you are hurting him more than any physical thing that could happen to him while playing a sport.
