Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sports that women watch.

Check this out and give me your thoughts.

What sports do you like to watch? Do you only watch it with your significant other or do you watch it alone?


  1. SO far I have never followed sports. But since I have started reading your blog I am becoming more familiar with football. Thanks for all your tips!!

  2. I don't follow sports, neither does my husband really. My favorite sport is ice hockey! But I am continually amazed at people who know all the details, plays, etc....of all these sports people and their lives. I can hardly keep up with my own! lol

  3. I watch football and soccer - on my own and with my husband. I will watch baseball with my husband but not on my own. If I'm watching football on my own and a really great play happens, I will text my husband - if he's not home. If I'm watching soccer and a really great thing happens, I will text my oldest sons.

  4. I really only watch football with my husband on Sundays, and sometimes Monday nights. For me, its a cozy time on a fall Sunday to get under a blanket with some yummy snacks and just hang out with him before we start another week. I enjoy actually watching the patriots play since I know alot about the team being from New England, the other games I just am usually on my laptop but my husbands still happy I am sitting next to him enjoying the "football" day with him.
